February 19, 2014


(Disclaimer:  I'm blogging from my iPad. All photos were taken with my phone.)

We escaped the bitter cold and snow at home, running as fast as we could to warmer parts.  My folks, spending a month on St. George Island, FL are as happy to have a taste of home as the boys and I are to have sun and sand. 

Max. Well, I think this kid likes the beach. He came down the boardwalk, walked out onto the expanse of sand and there he stopped. He let the salt air wash over him. He let the sound of the waves embrace him. He just stood there and milked that moment for all it was worth. And I just stood there and smiled. I smiled until my cheeks ached. 

Channing developed his love for the white sands of SGI back in 2010. We vacationed here as we celebrated my parent's 40th wedding anniversary. Funny enough, as we passed through the gate into The Plantation, he declared, 'Hey!  We've been this way before!!'  Not entirely sure of his recollection. After all he was only two-and-half. We gave it to him though, if for nothing else but his enthusiasm. 

He was giddy with excitement as he dashed in and out of the waves, kicking up both salty water and powdered sugar sand. A jelly fish was the big discovery. Papa carefully scooped it into Channing's little blue pail, where it stayed just long enough for everyone to see, before it was returned to its home. 

Max is just getting the hang of this thing called sand. At first, he sought refuge on Grandma's lap. As time passed, his curiosity traded places with his apprehension. He took great pleasure covering himself, and the rest of us I might add, with sand. 


And this. All of this. This is only day one. We have a state park on the other side of the island to explore, a lighthouse to climb and a sandcastle that 'reaches all the way past the sky' to build. It's a lot to pack into our quick visit. I'm confident though, we will return home with every item on our vacation To Do list happily completed. 

1 comment:

Kathy Flynn said...

Oh how fun!!! So glad for everyone!