August 27, 2014

Camp Doug

Mom, I hope you're not offended by the fact that we've started calling the family cabin Camp Doug after dad.  Kelly started it actually.  She wants to send her boys there to have dad teach them the ways of the woods, take apart toasters and rebuild them and other such boyish delights.

We dabbled in a few such woodsy gaieties this past weekend.  There was frog and toad hunting by lamp light.  

We picked a bounty of choke cherries and made their juice into jelly using the camp stove.

Maxwellie caught his first fish.  Ever.  It's a rock bass in case you're not familiar with them.  

Channing was determined to catch a Walleye.  He did!!  Although he flat out refused to touch it for his picture.

We took a boat ride one evening.  Max was a little scared.  Well, maybe more than a little, but he was a trooper.

I'm looking forward to the day the boys all go to Camp Doug for their multitude of camp activities.  Until then, I will continue to soak up family time.  Every last drop.  

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